
Transformation in Family Businesses: What Does It Take for the Shift? Recommendations and Insights from Dr. Tim Bauer

Recommendations and Insights from Dr. Tim Bauer

What effect does the family factor have on change processes in family businesses? Our partner Dr. Tim Bauer researched this topic years ago. In 2012, he completed his PhD on "Innovation Processes in Family Businesses." Prior to that, he worked at the Chair for Family Businesses, advised young founders, and studied renowned family businesses from the German Mittelstand. That he now advises family businesses in transformation processes is partly because he himself comes from a family business and managed the company for a decade with his brother.

Strategy & Corporate Performance

Predictive analytics – how companies create advantages for themselves within industry competition

Knowledge is power and this is especially true for knowledge about future developments. Those who know with a very high probability what will happen next are literally one step ahead of their competitors. Predictive analytics is a technology that aims to achieve precisely these insights. How does the process behind this technology work and how can companies use the data gained from it profitably for their own business model? Mario Trapp, senior consultant at enomyc, shares his insights with us.

Strategy & Corporate Performance

A bakery without bread? How companies can benefit from structural change

The bakery industry is creaking under the continuous structural change that is taking place. New economic conditions, competition from food retailers and changing consumer habits are some of the reasons for this. How can bakeries take advantage of this structural change? Which consumer trends determine the market, and what opportunities are there today that could benefit the future of the bakery industry?

Financial Advisory

Post merger integration - part 1: How can sustainable integration success be achieved?

Many entrepreneurs and managers associate high expectations with an acquisition. However, according to practical experience, these are often not fulfilled. What are the main reasons for this? Are there typical sources of error? How can entrepreneurs uncover them and achieve a sustainable integration process? Florian Tretau, director at enomyc, reports on the decision-supporting instruments of M&A analysis and due diligence.

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