Exploring Potential Impacts and Market Dynamics: An Expert Interview with Christian Zeller
The decision is final: as of late October, the EU has imposed tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles. The reasoning? Excessive subsidies and unfair competition from China. Brussels has taken decisive action, despite strong warnings from the German automotive industry.Will the sector now face significant price increases and potential retaliatory measures from China? Could the demand for EVs be further suppressed due to these tariffs? And what impact might these measures have on Germany’s capacity for innovation? In this expert interview, we explore the scenarios currently under discussion in the German automotive and supplier industries.
As one of the world's leading credit insurers, how does Coface assess the impact of the Corona pandemic? Should we be prepared for a major wave of bankruptcies? Was now the right time for the supply chain bailout to expire? What is in store for companies now?We asked Jochen Böhm, Risk Underwriting Director and Member of the Management Board for the Northern Europe region at Coface. He is responsible for risk and commercial underwriting at the international credit insurer and specialist in receivables management. He knows exactly what companies need to pay attention to in order to operate successfully in the long term, to what extent risks can be taken and how the risk situation is developing for companies worldwide.
Now that the supposed normality is returning due to the progress of the vaccination, we are hearing more and more often about cases in which employees would prefer to continue working in the home office, even post-pandemic. What are the opportunities and what are the limitations of remote management? Can a hybrid between New Work and presence culture succeed? And if so, which distance leadership skills are a must? An interview with Dr. Axel Hermeier, our Head of HR.
Burkhard Wittgen is a credit insurance specialist and member of the Executive Board at Aon Credit Solutions. In this interview, he talks about the dissolution of the protective shield on June 30, 2021, and the consequences for companies. What should companies do now? Which consulting services are currently more in demand than ever? What does the "average in the Suez Canal" case stand for and why should trade credit insurers urgently create a digital connection to their clients? Learn more!
The German Corporate Stabilization and Restructuring Act, or StaRUG for short, has been in force since the beginning of the year. It enables companies that are not yet insolvent or heavily indebted, but threatened with insolvency, to carry out pre-insolvency restructuring as part of an independently managed process. For many companies, this could well be an increased chance of sustainable and value-retaining restructuring.
What do top performers in marketing and sales do differently than other companies? How do they succeed in generating more sales and margins even under pandemic conditions? The first part of our series of topics focused on the paradigm shift in the procurement behavior of purchasing organizations. Based on discussions with managers from purchasing and sales departments as well as our project work, four central success patterns could be identified across all industries.
When a recession of almost historic proportions hit many industries following the financial crisis over 12 years ago, most companies were utterly unprepared. The same happened again to many companies last year. While the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis was marked by pure economic survival instinct, companies are now faced with the challenge of finding the right strategic position to emerge from the crisis. What is important in that context?
This year will make it clear just how well banks are able to cope with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to some estimates, their most severe stress test since the global banking and financial crisis of 2007 still looms ahead of them. Against this background, we interviewed Holger Rabelt, Managing Director of Commerzbank AG. What does his new position as Divisional Manager for Corporate Reorganization and Restructuring entail? What has been a particularly decisive experience in his career so far? What developments does he expect for the economy and the banking sector and what measures does he recommend for companies and banks in the current situation? Read on to find out more.
The rules for successfully marketing products and services in B2B business have changed significantly in recent years. Digitization has not only changed the purchasing behavior of buyers, it has also opened up completely new and very promising marketing and sales processes.
German soccer is limping along. Games yes, but ghost games, meaning no spectators, which results in significantly less money. Even the ratings are falling, and with them the income from TV . "BVB half-year figures: 26 million Euro loss," headlines kicker.de , among others, on February 9. Soccer clubs are facing immense challenges. Turnarounds in an branch that is only used to growth: How does that work? What kind of rethinking needs to take place and what opportunities need to be seized? Read more in the expert interview with Michael Klatt, former CFO and managing director of well-known soccer clubs, and Philipp Piscol, Managing Partner of enomyc.
No foundries would bring everything to a stop: no cars on the roads, no spinning wind turbines or airplanes in the sky. Heating, plumbing, beer tapping would be out of the question and no windows or doors could open without handles. Recycling and upcycling ‒ they too are unthinkable without casting. The foundry industry, however, is also suffering significantly from the effects of the global pandemic. What are the biggest hurdles of the present for the industry and how can companies overcome them?
For our first podcast of the new year, we had an extremely inspiring conversation with Thomas Fuchs. He is the founder, head, and soul of QX-Quarterly Crossing, a globally unique excellence network for experienced and future leaders. Since its establishment in 1995, he has designed international recruiting formats and talent development programs for global players in a wide range of industries and has accompanied careers all the way to top management. It brings together thought leaders, role models and top talents, thereby creating the conditions for optimal personal and professional realization.
A year of major challenges is drawing to a close. Distance rules, mandatory masking, homeschooling in the home office, domestic isolation - and finally the second lockdown: each of us experienced drastic restrictions this year. Time to review: How did we experience the first lockdown? What impact did the pandemic have on our project work? What have we learned so far from the Corona crisis and what do we wish for 2021?